Situational PHI Explained (Video Transcript)
Hi, I’m David Ting, founder of Tausight. At Tausight, we provide real-time visibility into protected health information activity across all endpoints and servers. This breakthrough delivers situational PHI awareness for the healthcare industry to make it easier to protect PHI where it may be stored, used, transmitted or transported. Let me tell you how we got here.
In 2016 as a founder, and then the CTO of Imprivata, I was appointed to the Department of Health and Human Services, Healthcare Industry, Cybersecurity Taskforce. This gave me the opportunity to serve alongside 21 security compliance and privacy experts, representing a diverse range of public and private healthcare organization. The task force worked for a year to fulfill Congress’s request to produce what is now a fundamental tool for our industry, the Report on Improving Cybersecurity and Healthcare.
When the 21st Century Cures Act was signed into law, it offered the National Institutes of Health, the flexibility and resources needed to accomplish the mission to improve the health of Americans. One of the key measures, enhancing data sharing in the interest of improving patient outcomes was counterintuitive to the legacy approach of securing PHI by restricting its movement to within the corporate firewall. We continuously hear from clinicians who wanted the flexibility to securely exchange data in the interest of patient care.
In 2018, I founded Tausight with the mission to provide cyber resiliency specifically for PHI, healthcare’s new critical asset in this information sharing age. This became especially relevant during the pandemic when clinicians and staff worked remotely and stretched that I.T. perimeter; as a world learned to work virtually, so did we. With a distributed group of engineers and scientists, we engineered and built the industry’s first situational PHI awareness platform from the ground up, leveraging advances in SaaS, machine learning, ILT, Cloud analytics and UX.
In March, when we were finally able to meet in person, we introduced Tausight to the industry at ViVE and HIMSS. Now we are officially in the market and hospitals are beginning to benefit from Tausight’s real-time visibility into PHI activity across endpoints and servers. As Micky Tripathi, our national coordinator for health I.T. described in his Health Affairs article, “In 2022, the vision of the Cures Act will finally become a reality and allow us to reap the full potential for what a truly digital healthcare system can do. It’s time for us to take a new approach to securing data that we need to share in order to realize this vision.” That’s why we started Tausight. It’s a system designed for healthcare by healthcare professionals.
So, don’t hesitate to reach out to learn more or to see for yourself how Tausight can help your organization. Book a demo today.